Beta Decay

Beta Decay 

    Atoms emit beta particles through a process known as beta decay. Beta decay occurs when an atom has either too many protons or too many neutrons in its nucleus. Two types of beta decay can occur. One type (positive beta decay) releases a positively charged beta particle called a positron, and a neutrino; the other type (negative beta decay) releases a negatively charged beta particle called an electron, and an antineutrino. The neutrino and the antineutrino are high energy elementary particles with little or no mass and are released in order to conserve energy during the decay process. Negative beta decay is far more common than positive beta decay. 
                                                 Beta decay 

     This form of radioactive decay was discovered by Sir Ernest Rutherford in 1899, although the neutrino was not observed until the 1960s. Beta particles have all the characteristics of electrons. At the time of their emission, they travel at nearly the speed of light. A typical .5 MeV particle will travel about 10 feet through the air, and can be stopped by 1-2 inches of wood. 

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